On our Shelves

We have a wide variety of different comics, books and more across our shelves - you can see more about each by clicking on the pictures or buttons.

DC & Vertigo

DC Vertigo shelf

This is our area for all the DC And Vertigo Graphic novels and collected editions in Trade paperback and Hard Cover formats.


Marvel shelf

This is our area for all the Marvel Graphic novels and collected editions in Trade paperback and Hard Cover formats.


Indepndent shelf

This is our area for all the Marvel Graphic novels and collected editions in Trade paperback and Hard Cover formats.

Horror, Sci-fi and Fantasy

Horror and Sci-Fi

Not a superhero in sight! This bookcase is for all the Horror, Sci-fi and Fantasy books from the various publishing houses.


2000AD and Manga

2000AD + Manga shelf

As you may have gather from the name of the shop – This is where it all began for me.

Mixed back issues

Mixed back issues A-Z

A pretty self explanatory area – All pre loved back issues organised by publisher and A – Z by title.


recommended window + all ages books

I keep a revolving mix of highly recommended books on a display shelf that turns out to face the world when the shop is closed!